Grab a 4-pack of Tile Key Finders for under 50 dollars


Between work, relationships, and daily responsibilities, life can get pretty hectic. Amid the chaos, it can be all too easy to start losing track of things — like your keys. Like many of us, you may have found yourself frantically flipping couch cushions from time to time, desperately searching for your phone or lost car keys. With the Tile Mate Key Finder, you can actually call your keys or locate them on a map using your smartphone. And now you can pick one up for a discounted price of $49.70, during Amazon Prime Day, which is 17 percent off its regular price.

If you're someone who has lost one or all of those things, you should seriously consider purchasing one.

The Tile Mate connects to your phone via Bluetooth and uses the Tile app to ring your keys or wallet whenever you need a little extra assistance finding them. Simply hook or attach it to anything you care about, see the last place you had it on a map, and press the button on the app to make it ring. Alternatively, if you lose your phone, just press the Tile twice to make your phone ring — even if it 's on silent. You can even hop on their website to find your missing belongings if you've managed to lose them all at once.

The key finder isn't compatible with all mobile devices, but as long as you aren't using an ancient flip phone, you should be fine. It can sync with any iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Google pixel, or Samsung Galaxy.

In addition, Tile just came out with new versions — the Tile Mate and the Tile Pro series — making them better than ever. Instead of having to replace your key tracker in a year when the battery runs out — which you had to do with the previous versions — you can now just pop in a new battery and keep using your key finder. If that isn't good enough, Tile now offers a subscription service, Tile Premium, for $3 a month. By subscribing, you'll receive a notification on your phone should you ever leave your tracker — and what's attached to it — behind at your house.

With customers swearing by it, we think we need to hop on the bandwagon too.


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