23andMe's Genetics + Health DNA kit is on sale for $99


23andMe's Genetics + Health DNA kit is one of those things that are on most everyone's bucket list. But regardless of how cool they are, it may be hard to justify paying nearly $200 to swab your cheek when you have bills to pay. Thanks to Amazon Prime Day, you can get it for $99, which is $100 off its regular price.

It's called 23andMe as a nod to each person's unique set of 23 chromosomes and it's one of the few kits that offer health screenings aside from autosomal testing. In addition, it doesn't require blood or needles. Fill the tube with your spit, send it back for testing, and get your results in 6-8 weeks. Results are kept forever, so you can log on at any time to see or update your family tree.

Like we said above, the unique thing about 23andMe is that it offers health and wellness screenings. On top of the basic tracing of your maternal and paternal line, 23andMe's deluxe option includes a hereditary health check on 75+ possible problematic traits. This can give valuable information about genetic illnesses, health risks, or traits that may run in your family — thus providing you with an important heads up about any checkups you may want to schedule.

Another thing we love is that you can opt-out of certain test results — for example, if you carry genetic markers that raise your risk for breast cancer, Alzheimer's disease, or Parkinson's disease, you can choose to not access any or all of those reports if you'd rather not know.

Regularly $199, you can snag 23andMe's Genetics + Health DNA testing kit for a low price of $99. Learn more and take advantage of the deal here.

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