Model Lauren Scruggs on how her horrific accident has helped her become who she is today


People respond to personal tragedy in their own ways; some shut down, others turn to faith, while many seek out their own "Eat, Pray, Love" moment. Others, like Lauren Scruggs, are forced to address their tragedy head on, in the rawest way possible.

The model was just 23-years-old when she walked into a plane's propeller in the dark, losing an eye, a hand and suffering brain damage. Because her tragic story made news headlines that night, the California native has taken an open and vulnerable approach to addressing her near-death experience with the world.

"The story became really public the night of, without our control. We were kind of placed in that position," Scruggs told AOL Lifestyle. "So that kind of kept me in that mindset that my story can help people. It's already out there so why not share it myself?"

Of course, months and months of mental rehabilitation helped get Scruggs, now 30, to where she is today, but her perspective on these adversities has evolved quite dramatically over the past seven years.

"I think when you're in the middle of it, initially you're just in shock a little bit and you're just trying to survive and you're just in a totally different mentality," she explained. "But as time goes on you just heal more emotionally and physically and in every aspect of your life."

"Now I can look back and be like 'Oh my gosh, I'm so grateful for that time because it helped me grow so much as a person'."

With the support of her family, husband Jason Kennedy (she was introduced to the E! host through Giulianna Rancic) and books (she counts Present Over Perfect and Forever as most formative), Scruggs has accomplished so much in the wake of tragedy.

Perhaps one of the most meaningful is her willingness to share her experience with other women navigating their own struggles, which was most recently on display at The Maxx You Project's The Changing Room panel this week.

"Now I just feel more empowered and I have the ability to relate more to people, because everyone goes through something difficult, whatever level that may be, so I'm thankful," she explained.

T.J. Maxx is taking The Changing Room on the road; tour dates will be announced later this summer!
