My Unconventional Life: Woman undergoes extreme body modifications to turn into a dragon

"My Unconventional Life" profiles individuals across the country who celebrate their nonconformity and proudly lead unorthodox lives. Check in weekly to learn more about these unique individuals, from a bodybuilding mom to a couple who believes they're real-life vampires.

Meet Tiamat Legion Medusa, who is known to some as "The Dragon Lady."

Tiamat, named after the Mesopotamian goddess, is currently undergoing two transformations, one from male to female, and the other "metamorphosis" from human to reptilian. In addition to those changes, she has also undergone extreme a number of body modifications during her quest to look like a dragon.

"In the end, it'll be more of a reptoid: Half human and half reptilian," she explained to AOL Lifestyle, before explaining she's doing her best to not look human. "Being human has not been very nice to me in my life," she concluded about her previous life as Richard, a banker for 15 years.

During this process, she's had her ears removed, 32 teeth extracted, 10 eyebrow implants, her tongue "vipercated," her nose reshaped, her eyes tattooed green, horn implants and a full body tattoo to replicate scales.

"When I go out, some of my favorite reactions are from kids," the California resident said. "It means so much to me, it makes me so happy. How people see me a lot of times has a lot to do with my attitude and how I present myself. I always try to present myself in the most positive way to let people know I am comfortable with me."

"Underneath our skin, we are all the same," she asserted. "I am living my life, I am living it on my terms, I march to the beat of my own drum. Enjoy the show, but don't try to spoil my show."

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