Mom who ordered shirt for 3-year-old is shocked to find explicit message on it


An Illinois mother who ordered what she thought was a cute shirt for 3-year-old daughter was stunned to find a not-so-child-friendly message printed on it, BuzzFeed reports.

Kelsey Dawn Williamson of Benton told the news site that, on May 10, she placed an order for the shirt for her daughter Salem on AliExpress, a Chinese online retailer that allows small businesses to sell merchandise. The shirt, as it appeared on the website, featured the classic children's book characters Frog and Toad and sold for just $5.

"Salem probably has 50-plus different little boutique outfits from my favorite store on AliExpress," Williamson explained.

When Williamson's package arrived last Tuesday, however, she did not expect her shirt to come with an addition that would make heads turn. The shirt had the two amphibian characters and a message that read, "[Expletive] the Police."

Photo: Facebook

"I literally did not know how to react so I just took a few moments to stare at it and try to process," she said. "Of all the things they could have added, why that? On a children’s-size shirt?"

Williamson told BuzzFeed she immediately FaceTimed her husband, who got a kick out of the whole thing.

"We both just lost it, dying of laughter," she said.

Since Williamson shared an image of her daughter wearing the shirt last week, the post has gone viral. As of Tuesday, it has received 67,000 likes and has been shared 32,000 times.

"I [expletive] love China," she wrote. "I cannot stop screaming. WHO DOES THIS."

Williamson said Salem doesn't know what the message means and that some Facebook commenters have shamed her daughter for her weight, but the family has, for the most part, enjoyed the humor behind the shirt.

"I’ve told [Salem], 'People really like your frog shirt!" she said. "It’s going in her baby box so we can bring it up when she’s older."
