Bryce Dallas Howard on living sustainably and working on "Rocketman"

Bryce Dallas Howard seems to be everywhere these days. Most recently she'd been on the big screen for role as Claire Dearing in the "Jurassic World" franchise and she will be back in theaters this spring as part of the "Rocketman" cast as Elton John's mother.

AOL's Julia Webb caught up with the actress and mother-of-two ahead of Earth Day to learn more about her partnership with Tide Purclean, the brand's plant-based detergent, and to hear more on "Rocketman."

AOL: You seem really passionate about working with Tide, especially Purclean which is sustainably made and certified biobased by the USDA BioPrefered Program. How did this partnership come about? What made it feel like a good fit for you?

Bryce: I am someone that when I’m enthusiastic about something, I’m very, very, very enthusiastic. And I honestly, this is a product I’ve been yearning for for a really long time — ever since I started my own family.

When my kids were born, my son first, he had really, really sensitive skin and he just had terrible, terrible skin rashes and our doctor at the time said, “Okay Bryce, you’re nursing. You need to go through an elimination diet because maybe there’s something that’s triggering something and you have to absolutely strip your home of anything that is toxic." And so that included at the time the detergent that I was using that I thought gave me really good results. And yet we weren’t able to use that detergent anymore because it wasn’t plant-based. But I was really frustrated because I could just tell [using the plant-based detergents back then, left her clothes] just not clean enough -- like my towels are not white, I felt grimy. I would have to get rid of clothes faster.

A product like this is exhilarating for me because it is plant-based, it is sustainable at every single stage of production and ultimately you can wash [your clothes] in cold water and you get exquisite results -- and that’s kind of the name of the game. The kind of final piece of the picture for me was that the number one thing that is contributing to our landfills is plastic -- right behind that is textiles. This is a product that is a disruptor and Tide put all of their resources and innovation and all of that towards this product, because they really heard their customers and people like me saying it’s not out there -- but I need it and I have to have it.

Do you make any other sustainable swaps at home? I just started using beeswax paper.

Oh yes! There’s an invention called Fresh Paper that actually keeps your fruits and vegetable fresh way longer than they normally would. I’ve got the beeswax thing as well.

I mean a big thing honestly is I try to not buy too many things or clothes. It's the constant consuming -- it's like if it's not going to stay your house or stay in your wardrobe long term than you’re just consuming something is that going to go somewhere else. So I try to put limits on that. I’m pretty strict about that.

You play Elton John's mother in the new movie "Rocketman." What was it like being on that set?

It was magical. It was so so so fun. It's a proper musical, there's singing and dancing and you’re skipping time. It's a wild movie. It's sort of like "Moulin Rough" in that way. It's so powerful and so emotional and absolutely hilarious and Taron [Egerton, who plays Elton John] gave a seminal performance.

You seem to have found a great balance between working and acting and being a mom -- do you have any advice on how people working parents can find that balance?

Here's the first thing that came to mind: I expect a lot of my partner. There are times when I'm the primary caregiver and there are times when he’s the primary caregiver. He’s absolutely incredible and without his dedication to our family and support of my career that just wouldn’t be possible.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

Bryce on AOL BUILD below:
