Woman shares the Instant Pot recipes that helped her lose 125 pounds in a year

Brittany Williams recently visited "The Today Show" to share the secret to her 125-pound weight loss, and she revealed it all hinged on one kitchen staple -- the Instant Pot!

Williams, author of the "Instant Loss Cookbook," had struggled with eating healthy her entire life until she discovered the programmable slow cooker. Williams admitted she mostly ate fried, frozen or fast foods. And at 260 pounds, she felt hopeless. When her husband brought home the new gadget one day, she decided to give cooking with the instant pot a try, and to her surprise, the pounds seemed to melt away.

Her book has over 125 recipes that can help you cook your way to health. She also focuses on easy recipes that are family friendly, and won't take you forever to make.

Watch the video above to see her favorite recipes -- a one-minute chicken soup, one-minute spaghetti, and a gluten-free blueberry breakfast cake.
