Scientists say eating this fruit before consuming alcohol can reduce a hangover


Scientists have identified a new way to nip hangovers in the bud: Asian pears.

Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) proved that eating a pear or drinking its juice before consuming alcohol greatly reduces your chances at getting hit with that unwanted hangover.

"Reductions were seen in blood acetaldehyde levels, the toxic metabolic thought to be responsible for the hangover symptoms, with pear juice consumption," said CSIRO research director, Manny Noakes.

Researches were sure to note that the method only works if you consume pears before alcohol. According to Noakes, "there is no evidence that you can consume pears after drinking and avoid a hangover." The fruit works to combat the detrimental effects of alcohol in your system as you're drinking, and if consumed correctly, the severity of a morning hangover can be reduced by 16% to 21%.

"Hangover severity, as measured by a 14 item hangover symptom scale, was significantly reduced in the Korean pear group compared to those having a placebo drink," says Noakes.

It's still unclear if other pears work as well as the Asian variety, which is also known as the Korean pear. So far, scientists have tested Asian pears, but plan to test western pears in the future.

You can find a can of Asian pear juice at your local Korean market or buy in bulk on Amazon before your next big night out.

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