17 unusual things you can clean in a dishwasher

It may be called a “dishwasher,” but the handy kitchen appliance can clean a lot more than dishes.

Think creatively when you’re on a cleaning spree, and you might be able to combine a number of washing tasks all thanks to that one handy machine. In fact, your dishwasher not only saves you time, but it uses hotter water than your poor dishpan hands can stand.

Of course, there are limits to what your dishwasher should handle, as I detail in “Never Put These 16 Items in Your Dishwasher.”

Be careful, too, when loading items. Most dishwashers feature heating elements on the bottom. So, lightweight plastic items could warp or melt if you load them on the bottom level.

Small items can often fit in your silverware caddy. I still use the top-rack-only Munchkin dishwasher basket I bought in 2007. I stack it with anything I fear might jump around inside the machine.

Now, here are some surprising items you might not have realized you can clean in your dishwasher:
