Wellness Wednesdays: Optimizing your environment for better health

How committed are you to your health?

Buying a new pair of running shoes, healthy cookbooks and a sleek new FitBit are all great steps, but they are actually not the most useful for developing healthy habits. The key to getting your wellness in check might actually be right in your environment, says experts.

"If you really want to develop some healthy habits, take a moment to look around you," explains Dr. Karen Latimer to AOL Lifestyle. "With wellness in mind, reset your surroundings." Below, the physician shares her tips to inspiring a healthier lifestyle.

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To optimize your environment for better eating habits, the doctor suggests starting in the kitchen with the fridge and pantry with things to clear out. Don't just toss (or donate!) unhealthy items, but keep an eye out for expired and old packaged goods, as well as food that you have never used and probably will never use.

Keep healthy choices front and center on the shelves. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be washed and chopped as soon as you get them for easy access.

Make getting ready to exercise as easy as possible! To inspire motivation, Dr. Latimer suggests to start by donating all the workout gear you don't wear and only keep the clothes that make you feel good when you put them on. The rest of the house should be free of clutter (Marie Kondo style!) for a clear, stress-free environment.

For more of her tips, watch the video above!

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