10 lucky foods that could help your team win the Super Bowl


Most NFL fans have their superstitions come game day, whether it's wearing a lucky jersey or not wearing said jersey, or watching the game at home versus watching it from a specific chair in a specific place. But to help increase your luck, Grubhub did a little digging and found both Super Bowl contenders, the Rams and Patriots, luckiest food orders.

The food delivery service compared the most popular orders within the New England and Los Angeles areas on days the Patriots and the Rams each won versus when they each lost. From that, they compiled a list of the top 10 most-ordered and seemingly "lucky" foods.

Surprisingly, most of the top orders are not your typical fried tailgate foods. In L.A., fans this season opted for elevated eats like lamb shanks or baba ghanoush. In New England, fans doubled down on sandwiches like a California club and a ham and cheese.

Whether you believe in luck or not, it can't hurt to eat something from your team's list. That is, of course, unless you have your own lucky dish.
