Holiday Heroes: Ringing in the New Year with God's Love We Deliver


Every holiday has its unsung hero, and AOL's video series "Holiday Heroes" highlights those individuals who are making a difference in their communities.

For people with chronic and life-threatening ailments, food can be its own form of medicine.

"One of the truths of our world is that illness knows no boundaries," explained the organization's CEO Karen Pearl to AOL Lifestyle. "People get sick young, they get sick old. They get sick whatever their race is, whatever their ethnicity is, whatever their economic status is."

"God's Love We Deliver," an organization based in New York City, provides thousands of ill people across the boroughs with nutritious and personally tailored meals every day. The organization provides not just meals for the sick, but for their children and caregivers as well.

Their nutrition team works with the patients' doctors and families to develop the most beneficial meals and changes as their illnesses progress or get better.

We spoke to the dozens of volunteers that help cook and prepare these meals during the holiday season. Learn more on this episode of Holiday Heroes!
