People are going after Stephen Miller and his 'spray-on' hair


It's been a hairy week for the Trump administration -- both literally and figuratively.

Let's break it down. The tumultuous week began on the 10th when details of Michael Cohen's "hush money" came to light, a transaction President Trump dismissed as a "simple private transaction." On the 13th, NBC News alleged that Trump was in the room while these transactions were taking place.

After clashing with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer over the border wall on the 11th, Trump's former right-hand guy Cohen was sentenced to 3 years in prison on the 12th. Furthermore, a new poll reports that 62 percent of Americans think POTUS is lying about the Russia probe, while reports of his "temper-tantrum" over the border wall surfaced.

There's more.

Over the weekend, Trump's latest tweets were blasted by Fox News, while the president also started a Twitter rant against Saturday Night Live for their portrayal of him. On Tuesday, it was announced that the Trump Foundation would be shutting down amid a lawsuit.

So yes, hairy on the political front. But it was tumultuous on the beauty front, as well -- at least for the first lady and Stephen Miller, one of Trump's senior advisors. On the 13th, Melania debuted a new, much blonder look -- which Twitter was quick to criticize.

"When you’re growing your husband a new toupee," wrote one Twitter user.

Related: See Melania's lighter hair

But FLOTUS' locks, which are seemingly back to normal, have since been overshadowed by Miller's hair. On Sunday, Miller took CBS' Face the Nation with a drastically new look. Twitter, in classic Twitter fashion, was not the nice about it.

"Stephen Miller loves sovereignty so much he makes sure his hair paint has borders that are clear af," joked one Twitter user. Said another, "Stephen Miller looks like Megamind with a terrible spray on hair."

Let's hope that this week is less prickly than the last -- but it seems like we're off to a rocky start.
