Prince Harry kicks off his solo royal trip by practicing his dad skills


Meghan Markle isn't the only one to receive bouquets of flowers from adoring fans.

Prince Harry touched down in Zambia, South Africa, this morning to kick off his two-day *solo* royal visit, leaving the expecting duchess behind. He was greeted by 9-year-old Jane Chawanangwa, who handed the Duke of Sussex a bouquet of flowers as he disembarked from the plane to head into the Lusaka airport.

Being the true gentleman (and expert father-in-training) he is, Harry bent down to eye-level with the child to thank her for the welcome gift, then shook her hand. He emulated his brother and sister-in-law Prince William and Kate Middleton, who have also been photographed bending down to a child's eye-level to speak to them, a skill that fosters good communication skills in little ones.

You're going to make a bloody brilliant dad to the "little bump," Harry.

See more of Harry's cutest moments with kids below:
