How sanitary is your toothbrush?
If you're not taking proper precautions, you could be brushing your pearly whites with bacteria-filled bristles. How? Every time you brush your teeth, you actually leave bacteria on your toothbrush.
Rather than toss your toothbrush after each use, the best way to secure better dental health and gorgeous white teeth is by purchasing a self-sanitizing brush. The TAO Clean Sonic Toothbrush & Cleaning Station is an affordable choice that offers self-sanitizing functionality and so much more!
The TAO Toothbrush uses powerful supersonic technology, meaning it can move at a much faster rate than your own hand or even an alternative electric toothbrush (brushing 40,000 strokes per minute!) What does that mean for you? Less plaque, bacteria and stains, and whiter teeth. You can choose between two cleaning modes: professional and sensitive.
Last but not least, the UV rays work their magic on your toothbrush head to blast away any lurking bacteria once you're done. The sanitizer eliminates 99.9% of the germs that remain on your toothbrush head. Click here to purchase this amazing set today for just $69.99, originally $129.09 (and retailing on Amazon for $79.99).
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