Woman pregnant with triplets shares bare baby bump progression pics

It’s pretty crowded in there! Maria Jorstad shared a jaw-dropping photo of her pregnancy journey with triplets — and its quickly racked up nearly 18,000 likes on Instagram.

The bump progression photo series posted on Sunday, September 9, begins at week 12 and goes all the way to 34 weeks. “I’m glad we took these pictures, because this collage really shows the massive growth,” the Norway native wrote in her caption. “It’s strange to have ended up with such a big belly and it’s even stranger that it can stand out like that without me falling down!”

Jorstad and her husband, Anders, conceived without any medical intervention — and both were stunned when an ultrasound revealed three beating hearts. “We had never even thought about the possibility of triplets, so it was a really surreal moment,” she told HuffPost UK on Sunday. “I started crying immediately thinking about everything at once, while Anders’ first thoughts were about getting a bigger apartment and car.”

The couple, who were introduced via Tinder four years ago, are also parents of son Mikael, 2.

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In August, an uncomfortable Jorstad admitted she was ready to meet the newest members of her family. “I’m reaching my limits now, and counting the days until delivery. The babies are kicking hard and moving around all day and night, to great discomfort,” she wrote on Instagram. “And my belly feels so full and stretched; I literally have to lift it with my hand to be able to turn over in bed.”

Hopefully, Jorstad feels some relief soon. She’s due to welcome two girls and one boy via C-section on Wednesday, September 12.

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