Eating *this* food once a day could significantly reduce heart disease


Everything tastes better with an egg on top, right? And, great news, a recent study published in the journal Heart suggests that people who eat an egg every day have a lower risk of developing heart disease.

Here’s the deal: Scientists looked at a sample of more than half a million healthy adults aged 30 to 79 from ten different locations in China. They asked the participants how often they ate eggs. About nine years later, they followed up and found that the people who ate eggs daily had a lower risk of disease overall.

Specifically, the people who ate eggs regularly had a 26 percent lower risk of hemorrhagic stroke, a 28 percent lower risk of dying from a hemorrhagic stroke and an 18 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

And there you have it: Hard (boiled) proof that your daily avocado toast deserves an egg on it.

Items to grab for National Donut Day
