The most popular baby names in every US state

  • Every year around Mother's Day, the Social Security Administration releases statistics on the popularity of baby names in the previous year.

  • On Thursday, it released the most popular baby names in each state and DC.

Last week, the Social Security Administration revealed that the most popular baby names in the US in 2017 were Liam and Emma.

On Thursday, the administration released the most popular names for baby boys and girls in each state and DC last year, based on its comprehensive database of applications for Social Security cards from new parents.

In addition to being the most popular name nationally, Liam was the most popular name for baby boys in 16 states:

most common boys names map v4
most common boys names map v4

Business Insider/Andy Kiersz, data from Social Security Administration

Emma, the most popular name for girls nationally, was the most popular name in half of the states:

most common girls names map
most common girls names map

Business Insider/Andy Kiersz, data from Social Security Administration

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See more on baby names:

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