7 awkward questions you should ask on a first date — and 3 you really shouldn't

There is a lot of debate around what you can and cannot ask on a first date. Some people say you shouldn't go in too hard with the interrogation because it'll make your date think you're desperate. Others say the probing questions help you really learn about each other. Ultimately, it's hard to know what to do.

According to Erika Ettin, dating coach and founder of dating site A Little Nudge, it's best to keep things light the first time you meet someone.

"A lot of people love to compare their sob stories, like woe is me, tell me about your divorce, when was your last relationship," she told Business Insider. "Let's see if you like each other first... You want to learn who the other person is today. You can get to know them then learn more about the past."

On the other hand, if you date a lot, you might not want to re-hash the same questions over and over again. You might have run out of patience and want to know some quick-fire ways to see if someone has potential, without sending them running.

Scroll down for seven "awkward" first date questions you can ask to set up a slightly more interesting conversation — provided you ask them right — as well as three you should never ask, just so you're absolutely sure where to drawn the line.
