French parents to go to court after giving their baby this popular name


While it seems like parents in the United States have a lot of freedom when it comes to naming their children, some countries are stricter than others and thus have certain regulations in place.

For example, according to Business Insider, a New Jersey law allows parents to give their kids Nazi-themed monikers, such as "Adolf Hitler" and "Heinrich Himmler." But such names are banned in Germany.

Switzerland, too, has a number of baby-naming regulations, banning names such as "Mercedes" and "Paris," while Denmark only allows monikers from a pre-approved list. The names "Batman" and "Hermione" (sorry Harry Potter fans) are prohibited in Mexico, while Portugal downright forbids parents to name their children "Rihanna."

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Likewise, France has name regulations in place to prevent a "lifetime of mockery" for the child. As such, courts can ban a name if they disagree with a chosen moniker.

However, the country is making headlines for a recent case in which parents decided to name their daughter Liam. While unisex names are common in the Western countries, the name is traditionally given to boys -- and only boys, believes French prosecutors.

Explained The Local, the moniker "would be likely to create a risk of gender confusion" and "therefore contrary to the interest of the child and could harm her in her social relations." The parents are awaiting a trial date and are lawyered-up.

In other news, France also bans the names Nutella and Strawberry.

h/t PopSugar

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