Infrared saunas are the new trend taking the wellness world by storm


Infrared therapy is taking the wellness (and Instagram!) world by storm -- and for good reason!

While it's easy to confuse infrared saunas for the ones you find at your local gym, there's actually a huge difference. First off, traditional dry saunas use temperatures as high as 185 to 195 degrees Fahrenheit, which may overwhelm those sensitive to heat, while infrared saunas are set between 120 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat from infrared saunas travels much deeper into the body, meaning you can break a sweat at a lower temperature.

The health benefits of infrared light therapy are endless -- from detoxification to weight loss and even pain relief.

We got try this out for ourselves with Sunlighten's very own infrared saunas. While it looks complicated, navigating the machine is a piece of cake. Once you step into one of Sunlighten's futuristic-looking saunas, you're able to choose the setting that you want -- whether it be Cardio or Weight Loss -- and your 45 minutes (or however long you want!) of relaxation starts immediately.

Incorporating infrared light therapy may just seem like one big Instagram fad, but it's one incredibly easy step to a healthier you.

Check out the slideshow above for the top five health benefits of infrared saunas!

To try out infrared therapy for yourself, check out Sunlighten's saunas at New York City's Area Sweat or Los Angeles' HotBox.
