The one thing you need to add to your child's car seat to make it safer

Bottles? Check. Stroller? Check. Car seat? Check. Important addition to car seat that'll increase the safety of your child? Uhhh, woops.

According to one Facebook user and emergency medical technician, Kaitlyn Lawson, parents should be adding a special info card to every child's car seat. Her photos and accompanying post quickly went viral, which got re-posted by fire departments and mommy blogs alike, probably because it really is so damn genius.

Here's her reasoning why: “Way too often do firefighters come upon a car wreck with child(ren) in the car who are too young to have any info and parents are unconscious,” she wrote. "It takes two minutes of your time to write out child’s name, DOB, parents’ names, DOB, emergency contacts and any medical conditions, any meds your child is on and even child’s doctor, then stick it to the child’s car seat. This helps EMS a ton and can also help save your child’s life.”

One small step for you, one giant leap for the safety of your child.

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