Two foods you should always avoid at airports

The next time you’re at the airport and need to grab something to eat, experts surprisingly say you should choose fast food over fresh foods!

Steer clear of fruits and veggies and salads because you can’t be sure how long they’ve been out of refrigeration, according to Business Insider. The so-called healthy options come from busy airport kitchens, and it can take a long time to weave through the terminal to get the items to their final destination.

That’s why “Money” reports it’s much safer to stick to cooked foods, since raw fruits and veggies have a higher risk of carrying bacteria. The last thing you want is to be sick during your flight! It’s also a good idea to skip foods that have clearly been sitting out for a while, like buffet food. Because it’s made in bulk, it's probably been sitting out for hours on end.

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According to experts, fast food chains are also your best bet for bacteria-free food.

It’s because brands like McDonald’s and Chili’s can’t compromise cleanliness and have the same strict sanitary standards in airports just like out in the real world.

Remember that the next time you’re on the plane and smell someone’s French fries wafting through the air, while you thought you were being healthy getting a salad!

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