FlyBarre's master instructor Kara Liotta reveals what she eats in a day and her No. 1 move for a toned butt


Only a month into 2018, it's easy to tell that New Year's resolutions are dwindling.

You'll notice that every day, the gym is less and less packed and your motivation is lackluster. Hailing a taxi seems like a convenient cop-out, skipping the stairs for the elevator becomes more and more common, while at-home cooking expeditions are becoming rarer.

If you find yourself in an exercise rut, just know you're not alone.

Even Kara Liotta, FlyBarre's Creative Director and fitness model, finds herself in an exercise standstill sometimes. "I find that if I wait until the late afternoon or evening, it's easy to let other obligations in my day get in the way of setting aside personal time to work out," she said to AOL Lifestyle. "If you start each day fresh with a workout, it has tremendous benefits both physically and mentally for getting you in a healthy mindset for your day."

A playlist like Liotta's, which includes "The Middle" by Zedd and Maren Morris, as well as "Pray for Me" by The Weekend and Kendrick Lamar will help you get pumped up.

And no, you don't have to spend a boatload of money to get that workout in. Barre, for example, requires little equipment and space, making the perfect at-home workout routine.

Liotta explains, "Barre is a great form of exercise because while being extremely low-impact on your joints, the benefits are widespread, including core strengthening, improving posture and flexibility, and overall improvement in muscular endurance. It is beneficial as a form of cross-training because of the similarity of many of the movements to physical therapy."

When it comes down to it, Liotta explains that clean eating can help you reach your fitness goals.

"I keep breakfasts light because this is when I work out. Lunch typically consists of a salad with some grains (quinoa or farro) that has lots of vegetables and usually grilled chicken. For dinner, it's lean protein and vegetables. My favorite is grilled salmon, roasted root vegetables, and charred broccolini," she explained, adding that she'll treat herself to the occasional dark chocolate at home.

Read on below to see Liotta's go-to exercise move for a toned butt:

1. Come into a tabletop position on your forearms and knees, with your elbows on the floor right below your shoulders.

2. Lift your right leg up directly behind you, with your foot flexed and knee bent at a 90-degree angle.

3. Keep your thigh lifted so it is parallel to the floor behind your body and begin to pulse your leg up, activating your glutes.

4. Repeat for 1min, and then switch legs.

RELATED: Fuel up for your workout with these snacks
