11 incredibly useful hacks for peanut butter


No matter if you're more of a crunchy versus creamy person, store it in the pantry or the fridge, eat it plain or on a sandwich, there's no denying that peanut butter is the miracle of all foods.

But it's not just for eating though. Peanut butter is actually much more versatile than being the chosen dip for your Oreo. You can use peanut butter, like Jif, for anything from repairing wood floors to getting that stubborn stain out of your couch. It also has quite the plethora of beauty benefits, too, as a moisturizing shaving cream or a conditioning, homemade hair mask.

Scroll through above to see all of peanut butter's unusual uses. You'll want to opt for a bigger jar next time you head to the grocery store, trust us!

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