Study reveals best salad dressing for preventing dementia

Mom said to eat your veggies when you were a kid and she wasn't wrong, two recent studies confirm that those vegetables are important long after you finish childhood.

In one study, researchers tracked the meals of 960 people with an average age of 81 years old.

They found people who ate one portion of spinach, kale or lettuce per day had a much greater mental capacity.

Test scores showed the salad eater’s brains were 11 years younger than those who didn’t eat their greens.

RELATED: World's healthiest vegetables

A salad a day seems like an easy addition to a healthy diet, but what dressing should you top it with?

Another study says blueberry vinegar, a popular salad dressing, could help with dementia.

They say blueberry vinegar helps increase a protein in the brain associated with creating and maintaining healthy neurons, something Alzheimer’s patients usually lack.

So try a salad with blueberry vinegar dressing and eating your veggies. Once again, Mom has been proven right!
