The 8 worst things you can do at a drive-thru, according to a fast food employee

As someone who works at a fast food restaurant, let me tell you there are major ups and downs. While the money isn't bad, more often than not there are moments when I seriously question my job choice. In particular, these moments occur while I'm working the drive-thru.

I'm a self-proclaimed drive-thru queen. Manning one headset, two different registers, and hundreds of customers over thirty hours a week. I wish I could say good things about the people I have to deal with, but let's be real. It's a standard food service job with soul-sucking customers. So the next time you choose to take the drive-thru at your favorite fast food spot, take care to try and avoid doing the following.

For the love of everything fattening and greasy, please just keep these things in mind. The next time you decide you're craving Animal Fries from In-N-Out or chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A, your efforts will be noticed and appreciated.

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