List of foods that will help you sleep includes something pretty gross

If you want a good night’s sleep, I sure hope your taste buds are muted!

Marmite is one of the foods that will do the trick. You know, the yeast extract you spread on toast that tastes like molasses gone bad.

National Geographic Food just named marmite as one of the five foods you should eat to end insomnia in its new magazine.

A report from the Telegraph lists the same grub, so you can rest assured these are the right foods to make you sleepy.

Look for foods rich in tryptophan. Turkey is rich with the stuff, which is said to help us drift off by releasing the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. So it’s no wonder you want to nap after Thanksgiving dinner.

A sleep expert told the Telegraph bananas are sleeping pills in a peel. That’s because they’re packed with tryptophan, vitamin B, and the muscle relaxants magnesium and potassium.

Almonds have both tryptophan and magnesium. Suddenly it all makes sense why they’re served on flights.

Oats made the cut because they’re full of vitamins and amino acids that help trigger melatonin production.

Sleep experts warn you should stay away from spicy foods, fattening or fried foods, caffeine and booze. So much for that nightcap!

RELATED: 5 foods that worsen sleep
