Nighttime and weekend surgeries may have higher risk of complications

If you’re about to go under the knife, maybe consider booking your appointment for earlier in the day.

Having a surgery in the late evening or early morning could put you at greater risk of complications, as if you weren’t already nervous enough about having surgery in the first place.

A study out of the University of Michigan suggests that risk jumps by more than half for operations between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m.

In all, researchers looked at nearly 16,000 brain surgery patients over more than seven years. They kept tabs on complications and when they occurred.

Complications were also much more likely if a surgery within that time period was an emergency and not pre-scheduled, as though you can save your emergencies for the daylight hours.

In addition, you likely want to avoid surgery on the weekend if possible, according to the Daily Mail.

Basically, whenever bank employees are working, that’s the best time for a surgeon to be working too.

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