Hillary Clinton meets adorable young fan in white pantsuit

Some people have a style that defines them. Mark Zuckerberg wears a gray T-shirt and jeans every day. Hugh Hefner was almost always seen in a smoking jacket. And Hillary Clinton is known for her famous pantsuits.

On her book tour for 'It Takes a Village,' she was signing books when a young fan came to meet her. Her event planner tweeted a picture of the meeting, with the caption: Look who wore her pantsuit to meet Hillary Clinton.

Related: Hillary's many outfits

More than just the classic white pantsuit, the little girl even had a giant pearl necklace to emulate what Clinton was also wearing. Secretary Clinton was obviously taken with the little girl and greeted her with a warm smile.

She retweeted the picture with the caption: Great to be back in Brooklyn sharing #ItTakesAVillage with readers of all ages! Her mom tweeted a picture of Grace in response to Hillary Clinton's tweet showing off her whole ensemble.

The bonus for the parents is that they already have a costume ready for their little girl for Halloween.

