Why walking your dog does wonders for your mental health


Want an actual mental health boost? Then make sure to walk your pooch because it's not only a nice little day-to-day routine, it's also making you happy.

The University of Liverpool did the most in-depth study of dog owner's perceptions of dog-walking to date. Their discovery was that most people do so in a pursuit of happiness rather than for physical activity or social benefits.

But the study revealed this happens if, and only if, the dog owner feels their furry animal is also enjoying the walk.

Least expensive breeds:

Of course, the fact that you are getting some physical activity and socially interacting with others are secondary bonuses to the activity, but not often the source of motivation for it.

Researchers suggest everyone should walk their dog, because just by doing so you can exceed the 150 minutes recommended minimum physical exercise a week.

Who knew that your dog's constant barks to get you out of the house were leading you to happiness? That's why they're man's best friend!
