3 ways exercise can help you get better sleep

Want a better night’s sleep? Exercising is the solution.

Here are three ways exercising can help you get great sleep:

1. It improves sleep quality. You’ll get more time for a deep sleep which boosts your immune system and supports cardiac health.

2. It lowers stress and relieves anxiety. Stress is the number one cause of sleep problems. Mind-body exercises like yoga or stretching can lower stress, blood pressure and help better your mood.

3. It helps with insomnia and other sleep disorders. Exercising is the natural treatment for insomnia. It helps lower the symptoms as well as treats sleep apnea and disordered breathing.

But don’t overdo it. Studies show that too much exercising can lead to sleep difficulties.

The recommendation is 150 minutes a week, 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

"Exercise and Sleep" should be the new "Netflix and Chill!"

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