Study finds coffee could be the reason you're craving more sweets

Is coffee the reason you crave more sugar?

A good old cup of joe is changing your taste perception according to a study published in the Journal of Food Science.

Researchers studied two groups, one drinking decaf coffee and the other regular coffee.

Volunteers in the caffeinated group rated their drinks as less sweet even though it had the same amount of sugar as the decaf group.

Those had higher chances of craving sugar later.

It was concluded that caffeine is affecting taste perception.

Results also revealed drinking caffeinated coffee had the same effect on participants as drinking decaffeinated coffee and that our minds are conditioned to expect a certain behavior after drinking it.

As a result, people feel more awake just by drinking it even if it has no caffeine.

So maybe you should give up caffeinated coffee if you want to lose weight!

RELATED: 15 things you didn't know about coffee
