Back to school: Dorm room bedding for the trendy college kid

Whether you're about to embark on your first year at university, or you're heading back for your last semester, back to school can be a stressful (albeit, fun) for both parents and kids alike.

Not only is back-to-school shopping quite time consuming, it can get expensive as well. That's why it's important to get the best bang for your buck: items that will last you throughout the years, survive botched laundry expeditions, food spillage, pencil markings and the like.

Adorable and affordable bedding to bring to school:

When it comes to bedding, we've got some tips for you:

  1. Opt for a queen-sized comforter so it lasts when you move to that coveted off-campus dorm.

  2. Students going to school with frigid winters might want to opt for a good quality duvet insert and thick throw.

  3. Don't buy something you're going to get sick of within the first month.

  4. You can always dress up your bed with funny pillows, colorful throws and decorated shams -- look to Pinterest for some inspiration!

Last but not least, get something that's easy to clean. Trust us, it'll save you so much time in the long run!
