Woman shares a photo of the 'only sign' of breast cancer she had -- and it's going viral

Symptoms of breast cancer can vary from patient to patient, in many different forms. Some patients find lumps, other discover rashes and very few find freckles -- but what's most important is that women are well-versed on the different signs that can appear on their bodies.

One woman's story is going viral after she shared a snapshot of her "only sign" of breast cancer.

Back in June, Sherrie Rhodes was getting ready for a swim when she noticed some dimpling on her breast. Soon after, the mom-of-two contacted her doctor, who then referred her to a breast clinic, according to the Daily Mail.

There, it was revealed that she had a mass, and a mammogram confirmed the 37-year-old's diagnosis. Although the news was 'horrendous,' Rhodes decided to bravely share a photo of her one symptom on Facebook as a warning for others

She revealed that she recalled seeing a previous post about dimples and breast cancer -- and she knew she had to get checked out, despite having no other symptoms.

"I'd seen a post about dimples being a sign of something sinister so I made an appointment to see the GP but I wasn't too worried because I didn't have a lump or anything," she said to the Daily Mail.

Doctors maintain that early diagnosis is key for survival.

From the time of writing, Rhodes' post had been shared nearly 1500 times -- and many now understand that a dimpling is one of the "overlooked" symptoms. The photo has also encouraged many women (and men) to check themselves regularly.

You can find more information on breast cancer symptoms here.

RELATED: Well-known faces who have battled cancer
