Deaf dog returns home after nearly a year in the mountains

A deaf hunting dog who was lost in the Idaho mountains for nine months miraculously returned home.

The Idaho Statesman reports that Mo the Miracle Dog wandered off to find her owner one fall day during a camping trip and remained int he forest during a brutal winter.

Related: Inside the World's Ugliest Dog contest

Her owners, Darwin and Cindy Cameron, spent three months in the area searching for her before finally giving up and going home.

Thanks to the magic of Facebook, the heartbroken owners were reunited with the miracle pup — she was found by the side of the road covered in fleas and ticks.

Cheri Glankler, a veteran dog rescuer who nursed her back to health, returned her to the Camerons.

Though badly malnourished and traumatized, Mo was identified because of her love of chasing squirrels.

Related: Dogs help stop poaching
