Get Hot tequila founder John Vasicek tells you how to make the perfect summer drink -- just in time for Memorial Day


Tequila is no easy business and with hundreds of brands out there, how exactly do you stand out? Leave it to founder of Get Hot tequila, John Vasicek, to bring some heat to the agave market.

"I've always been a bit of a mixologist," Vasicek said. "I grew up with Czech parents and when I would visit the Czech Republic my uncles would make brandy in the back yard so I've always had a little bit of a keen eye for [mixology]."

After a trip to London a few years back, Vasicek returned to the states inspired by the British mixology scene and started to experiment with flavors and spirits.

"I was experimenting and one day I dropped a habanero into a tequila bottle and from that first sip, I knew that habanero and tequila are like best friends," Vasicek said. "Those two go together so well and I said, 'You know what, there is nothing else like this in the market -- why not?' If there isn't, then why not me?"

Vasicek then began to research and develop his game plan and found he needed to go directly to the source to make a quality product. He went to Jalisco, Mexico, and made a connection at a family-owned distillery in the small town of Jesus Maria.

Distillery at Jesus Maria where tequila is produced

"We really like the Los Altos region for producing tequila, these brown sugar notes comes out in the tequila and also we wanted high-end reposado," Vasicek said. "We wanted that 100 percent agave, that quality product that will have people coming back again and again."

Thus came the result -- habanero-infused tequila.

But the most important note to Vasicek is for consumers to truly enjoy the visceral experience of his reposado. "We want people to find this drink, learn to enjoy it and also mix in their own ingredients and put their own stamp on it," he said.

His tips for making a sophisticated cocktail that's easy to make? Grab some good quality ginger beer, some lime and some Get Hot tequila and mix it together all over ice -- a spicy take on a Moscow mule called the "Hot Donkey."

Looks like we found our new summer drink.

Click through below to create some of Get Hot's signature cocktails:

You can purchase Get Hot tequila at your local BevMo.
