Pepsi releases new cinnamon-flavored 'Pepsi Fire' nationwide

Fans of both Fireball Whisky and Pepsi are going to love this news.

Pepsi announced that they're "turning up the heat" with its new flavor, Pepsi Fire. It's a cinnamon-flavored soda, described by Pepsi as "refreshing cola with a cinnamon flavored twist."

"Summer is one of the most anticipated times of the year, and Pepsi Fire is going to ignite this season with an unexpected and spicy twist to our classic cola taste," said Lauren Cohen, Director of Pepsi Marketing, in its press release.

It'll be available in 20 oz. bottles and 12-oz. can 12-packs. In addition, it'll also be in select 7-11 stores in Slurpee form.

Check out photos of the cans and Slurpee

For those clamoring to try the cinnamon flavored drink, they should stock up -- and fast. Pepsi Fire is a limited edition release and only around for eight weeks -- May 22 to July 16.
