Dying man reunites with his long-lost love on Facebook, marries her days later

A dying man got the hope he never thought he would find when he reunited with his long-lost love.

Ken Boyer, 60, was fighting terminal cancer when he came across the Facebook profile of one of his former loves, Shelly Kimbrel.

They met 20 years ago when Boyer was a bar owner and Kimbrel was a resident of the same Missouri town, Click Orlando reports.

Boyer and Kimbrel briefly dated, and though their relationship ended too soon, their love did not fade away.

Kimbrel decided to reach back out to Boyer when she noticed his name in the "People You May Know" list on Facebook.

As they reconnected, Boyer mentioned his terminal diagnosis. Kimbrel made the quick decision to uproot her own life and join him down in Florida.

"I'll talk to them and see what I can do. I will take care of you," she told Boyer, according to Click Orlando.

And she did. Within hours of her arrival in Florida, Kimbrel became Mrs. Boyer.

The couple is set to return home to Kimbrel's home in Missouri, where she will take care of him for the rest of his life.

Boyer told Click Orlando that his marriage to Kimbrel is the ultimate ending to a "really good life."

"It's tough for me to have to accept this, but I have," Boyer said. "God has been good to me and if this is my time, then it's my time. God could not give me a better present if this is my last hurrah. I could not have asked for anything better."
