Kim Kardashian crushed the Met Gala with an outrageous 'makeunder'


Kim Kardashian will always find a way to stun us on the red carpet, this time out of all places, she did it at the Met Gala.

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Kim showed up with a white, off-the-shoulder Vivienne Westwood dress, featuring the big trends of the season: statement sleeves, a tight bodice, and a tailored floor-length hem. Kim also went surprisingly simple with a sleek bob, no jewelry, and no Kayne.

She left the showstopper outrageous outfits to sisters Kylie and Kendall and of course Rihanna and Katy Perry.

There was also zero Snapchat lead-up. Kim simply tweeted:

Kim shared with Ellen DeGeneres how she's pared-down her lifestyle ever since the Paris robbery.

"I'm such a different person. Things happen in your life to teach you things... It's not to say that I'll never wear jewelry again or anything like that. I truly don't know if I'd ever feel comfortable," Kim said.

She admitted to being "definitely materialistic" before the incident, but she's grateful about this change and she's "happy that my kids get this me" she said.
