Flyby has the perfect survival hack for outdoor drinking season

It's officially spring, and outdoor and rooftop bars are (finally) opening up again. With all the weddings, festivals, and beach parties -- not to mention work happy hours -- you may be having a few more drinks than you're used to. Thanks to a 22-year-old New York University alum, though, you don't have to worry about rough mornings.

Flyby is a supplement that prevents hangovers. Eddie Huai invented the product along with a PhD in biochemistry. They set out to use only the simplest and most effective ingredients, one of the most effective being dihydromyricetin, or DHM. According to a recent study, DHM protects the liver in two ways: as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative agent and alleviating the slight alcohol withdrawal that happens the day after drinking.

Check out photos of Flyby

So you know the science -- how do you use it? You take two capsules of Flyby -- or three if you're having four or more drinks -- before you start drinking. If you forget, though, you can also take it before bed! That's it: just take a few supplements before or after your night.

With Flyby, you'll wake up rejuvenated. You don't have to worry about ditching plans, eating greasy food hoping to feel better, or worst of all: that gross hungover feeling. This may help make this summer the most fun yet.
