White women criticized for wearing hoop earrings

By: Djenane Beaulieu, Buzz60

Apparently wearing hoop earrings is a racist thing to do, according to a group of latino women who spray painted "White girls, take off your hoops" on a college campus wall in California.

One of the activists explained the act in a letter to the entire student body, saying that white women who wear hoop earrings are exploiting the black and latino culture because the accessory represents a history of oppression and exclusion.

She continues saying that colored women who usually wear those big hoops and door-knocker earrings are often viewed as ghetto, unprofessional and are not taken seriously.

However, hoop earrings are so popular and they've been around for almost forever, since B.C.

These accessories have been passed down from generation to generation and still retain their popularity, becoming even more popular with embellishments.

Almost everyone wears them, including some of our favorite celebrities like Rihanna, Selena Gomez and Kim Kardashian.

Related: Duchess Kate and her earrings
