Dog owner buys helicopter to fly his beloved sick pooch to vet

By: Maria Mercedes Galuppo, Buzz60

How far will you go for your pooch? Mark Pearson made the ultimate act of love when he bought a helicopter in a desperate bid to keep his pup alive.

Cute Ruby was diagnosed with a rare condition two years ago. Mark said the cocker spaniel's brain was so big it was trying to break out of her skull.

Treatment was only available three and a half hours away from their home and Ruby needed it every couple of days, so he decided to purchase a helicopter to fly his dog to the vet and beat the commute.

Together with the treatment, the whole thing cost him over $17,000. Mark said, "it is an expensive way of doing it, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

The private helicopter only takes one hour each way.

According to Mark, Ruby loves flying and sitting by the window. She was going through chemotherapy, but has now stopped receiving it to improve her quality of life.

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