Cate Blanchett shares her skincare secrets and her ideal Mother's Day

Cate Blanchett for SK-II
Cate Blanchett for SK-II

Academy Award-winner Cate Blanchett is a force to be reckoned with on the stage and screen, so it's no surprise that she gives her skin the ultimate defense, too. Having just closed her Broadway debut in New York, finished filming "Ocean's Eight" and diving into her next projects, she may be one of the busiest people in the world (when asked how she finds time for herself and her own well-being, she joked "I don't!").

We recently sat down with Cate and chatted all things skincare, Mother's Day and the wisdom she's carrying on from her own mother.

So what's the secret to that flawless complexion? Consistency.

"I've been using the same products since I was pregnant with my eldest son, who is now 15," she told us, "and it's not that you don't add and subtract various other things, but the essential skincare has stayed the same for a really long time."

And that's the trick. Like many of us, Cate says that when she switches it up too much, tries something totally new, that's when she gets breakouts. (Um, same.) So she sticks to what works for her -- and that's the LXP range of SK-II and the brand's Ultimate Revival Essence.

Mother's Day SK-II
Mother's Day SK-II

For Mother's Day this year, SK-II is launching a new design for their Facial Treatment Essence, which Cate compares to "taking a drink of water," with a gorgeous cherry blossom design (available at Sephora for $229). After all, what's a better gift for Mom than a product that really works and looks gorgeous on her vanity table?

We asked Cate about her ideal Mother's Day, and for her, it's in the simple moments. "I love a day where there's either no plan or someone else has made the plan," she said. With four kids, she says she's forever organizing and strategizing -- "it's a bit of a military operation having four children" -- so she loves a day of lounging in their pajamas or spent in the garden.

"And it's really lovely when the kids decide they're going to cook lunch — usually macaroni and cheese or something uncomplicated like that!"

When talking about her own mom, Cate mentioned one thing in particular that she's eternally grateful her mother instilled in her from a young age: to protect her skin from the sun.

"She was really big on moisturizing but even bigger on sun protection," Cate said. "When I grew up it was cool to be a bronzed beach bunny, which I was never going to be, but I would damage my skin if I tried. So my mom encouraged me to just look the way I looked and not worry about trying to look like everyone else."

And so she says, her skin is in pretty good condition thanks to her mother's advice. "It wasn't about beauty necessarily as it was looking after yourself, and being healthy."

It's advice she plans to pass along to her children, too -- and not just to her daughter. "I'm big on when you can see the benefits for yourself, you want to pass that on." And her sons? "They roll their eyes! But they won't roll their eyes when they're my age."

Consistency, finding what works, and protecting your skin from the elements. It seems simple enough. And if it's the secret to a Cate-Blanchett-level of flawless skin, then we're on board.

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