Research confirms that this is the best time to eat

To any late night eaters out there, the habit is far from healthy.

A bunch of PhD's got together and published a review in the American Heart Association's academic journal that pretty much said eating at night is a huge no-no.

Your body knows when it's time to power up and take on the day's activities and when it's time to power down and get ready for sleep.

Experts say that when you don't go along with your body's natural rhythm you're doing it a disservice.

You wouldn't walk up a down escalator, would you?

As for what is considered 'late,' that's a little trickier. Some suggest making your last meal at 6pm while others say two hours before bedtime is acceptable.

If you stick to the 'the-earlier-the-better' rule you'll be just fine. If you are able to eat before 6pm and also get an early breakfast, you'll be even better off.

Sadly, this means no more snacking during late night Netflix marathons.

RELATED: 20 ways to improve your eating habits
