10 signs you need to call your gyno, stat


If you ever have a question for your gyno—no matter how random it may seem—ask it. We should all think of our ob/gyn as an older and wiser sister (or brother) who we can go to for advice that seems too embarrassing to ask our parents. They've heard and seen it all, so rest assured, nothing's random or weird or awkward in their eyes. In fact, your doctor will be glad you brought up your concerns—it's a sign you're on top of your health, and puts you in a position to catch any potential health issues early.

"A minor symptom may suggest a more major problem," Sherry A. Ross, M.D., an ob/gyn in Santa Monica, California, and author of she-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women's Intimate Health. Period., tells SELF. "If a minor symptom leads to earlier treatment, avoiding a medical catastrophe could be lifesaving," Ross says. There are also plenty of non life-threatening topics your ob/gyn can help you sort through. Bottom line is that you should never feel embarrassed for calling or setting up a visit to address any concerns.

Here are some (but certainly not all) good reasons to give your gyno a ring ASAP.

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