Couple's aquarium wedding upstaged by curious beluga whale


A beluga whale who crashed a wedding in Mystic, Connecticut, has just become the subject of an intense photoshop battle.

The mystery couple, who said their vows at Mystic Aquarium, were treated to a cute surprise when a beluga whale popped up behind them during their wedding photos.

Although Mystic Aquarium confirms that the image was taken at their facility, a spokesperson told WTIC that it is not a recent photograph.

But that didn't stop the internet from getting its hands on the picture and doing what it does best -- ruining things that are pure.

Reddit user FishMcBite posted the image on r/Photoshopbattles this week, where users had a field day with it.

Check out some of the best photoshops:

Surprisingly, this isn't the first time a playful beluga stole the spotlight at Mystic.

In September 2015, Juno, a resident whale at the aquarium, swam up behind Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy to lend him an ear during a tourism press conference.

Now, the only question left to answer is --- what was she thinking?
