Anheuser-Busch's Best Damn Brewing Co. makes our dreams come true with boozy cream soda


Be prepared for the "best damn" news you've hard all day: Anheuser-Busch's Best Damn Brewing Co. just released a new addition to its line of nostalgic hard sodas.

Best Damn Cream Soda is joining the ranks of brews like Best Damn Root Beer, Cherry Cola and Apple Ale. Thankfully, you won't have to wait too long -- Best Damn Cream Soda hits shelves March 6th.

"BEST DAMN Cream Soda is our take on timeless recipe and is a sweet addition to any occasion whether you're out with the guys, drinking with friends at a BBQ or even cheering on your favorite team," said Kathryn Sattler, Senior Director of Best Damn Brewing Co. in an emailed statement. "

"BEST DAMN Cream Soda joins the national family of flavorful and approachable brews, and complements our fan-favorite BEST DAMN Root Beer with another take on nostalgic flavors. It's SODA-licious, you'll love it." The soda is aged on real vanilla for that touch of sweetness.

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Credit: Best Damn Brewing Co.

In addition to cream soda, the company is also rolling out a new ad campaign to celebrate.

Best Damn Brewing Co. isn't stopping there. On March 27, they will roll out Best Damn Sweet Tea to the Northwest and Midwest markets. The hard tea is aged with real black tea leaves during the brewing process.

You'll be able to buy Best Damn Cream Soda in six-packs of 12-oz. bottles and 16-oz. cans. To learn more about the brand and find out where to buy, visit their website! You can also follow Best Damn Brewing Co. on Facebook, and follow @BestDamnBrewing on Twitter and Instagram.
