Pit bull rescued from crack den now FDNY firehouse dog

A pit bull that's been saved from a "crack house" now has a loving new home. The dog, named Ashley, was rescued by the group No More Pain Rescue last month.

Couple Erica Mahnken and Michael Favor found Ashley with cigarette burns and malnourished. Days before her rescue, Ashley was left without food or water. "We didn't ask any questions when the person called us and told us the dog was alone," Mahnken told CBS News.

"It was freezing out. There was nothing in the house ... we just ran and got her and said we'll figure out what we were going to do after we got her out of there."

Mahnken, Favor and their friend Lara Ribeiro started No More Pain Rescue. At the time they didn't have anywhere to foster Ashley, so they went to a fire station in the Lower East Side of Manhattan named "Fort Pitt."

Check out photos from Ashley's Instagram

Three days later, the firefighters of Fort Pitt asked to adopt Ashley. The rescue was overjoyed, and agreed. "Everyone's so quick to judge a dog, especially a dog you don't know where it came from or what kind of person they are and what kind," Mahnken said. The firefighters, though, did not judge Ashley at all.

The pup now has her own Instagram account that shows her various adventures around the firehouse.

She loves hanging out in the firehouse kitchen, and even has her own space on the truck according to Mahnken. While Ashley was an unhealthy 25 pounds when the rescue found her, she's now a well-fed 50.
