Oreo reveals new Easter inspired flavor


By Angeli Kakade, Buzz60

Easter will never be the same! Oreo's limited edition flavor comes just in time for the egg filled holiday and if you love a certain marshmallow treat this one's for you.

The new Oreo will be stuffed with a pink marshmallow Peeps-flavored cream and you can get your hands on them now.

See more unusual flavors:

Oreo said in an e-mail statement that fans continue to get excited about which flavors the Oreo Wonder Vault will release next.

The vault has brought us some interesting flavors like Pumpkin Spice and Red Velvet.

The likeness in taste between this new Oreo peep and an actual Peep is questionable, but some people are into them, such as this Oreo Peeps review: "I actually hate Peeps but these are better. Not an overwhelming Peep flavor, more subtle."

Subtle or not the real question is: if you take away the chick, is it really a peep?
